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  5. Hotel Santa María Mérida的評語

Hotel Santa María Mérida評語 3 星級

Calle 55 No 493 x 56 y 58 Col Centro, 97000 梅里達, 墨西哥

梅里達飯店排名: No. 100(共 174 間)



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100% 真實評語



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  • 填寫日期:2023 年 12 月 21 日

    最差的 ! The worst! lo peor !
    • 休閒觀光
    • 獨行旅客
    • 標準雙床房
    • 入住 2 晚
    • 自手機送出

    我旅行过很多个国家,这是住过最差的酒店, 预订前可以看看这个酒店的其它1分评价,很多人都有很惨的经历,我遇到的槽点细列如下, 让我决定早点离开merida 1. reception有个中年妇女非常粗鲁 2. 我第一天到先给了一间房间,洗手间外面是很大的发电机,整个房间都轰轰隆隆,非常吵 3. reception的粗鲁妇女说没有房间换,(但是谎言),在执意要求下给换了楼上的房间,粗鲁的妇女翻了好几给白眼给我,比1楼高一点,但发电机就在下面,房间依然很吵 4. 设施陈旧可以,但床单都很脏看上去是没好好洗过 5. 第一天我离开的时候锁好行李箱放在床边,晚上回来发现行李箱里的衣服都是湿的,行李箱是锁的,我箱子里没有水,所以合理怀疑他们给我的行李箱灌了水,也太坏了吧 6. 这酒店是不贵但也不可以差成这样 太坏了,我现在坐在离开的出租车上 ,我好轻松! I have traveled to many countries and this is the worst hotel I have ever stayed in. Before booking, you can read other 1-point reviews of this hotel. Many people have had terrible experiences. The shortcomings I encountered are listed below: Let me decide to leave Merida early 1. There was a middle-aged woman at the reception who was very rude. 2. I was given a room on my first day. There was a big generator outside the bathroom. The whole room was rumbling and it was very noisy. 3. The rude woman at the reception said that there was no room to change (but she was lying), so she insisted on changing my room to a room upstairs. The rude woman rolled her eyes at me several times. It was a little higher than the first floor, but the generator was right there. Down below, the room is still noisy 4. The facilities are old, but the sheets are very dirty, and it looks like they haven’t been washed properly. 5. When I left on the first day, I locked my suitcase and put it next to the bed. When I came back at night, I found that the clothes in the suitcase were all wet. The suitcase was locked. There was no water in my suitcase, so I had reasonable doubts about what they gave me. The suitcase was filled with water. It’s too bad. 6. This hotel is not expensive, but it can’t be this bad. It's so bad, I'm sitting in the taxi leaving now, I'm so relaxed! He viajado a muchos países y este es el peor hotel en el que me he alojado. Antes de reservar, puedes leer otras reseñas de 1 punto de este hotel. Muchas personas han tenido experiencias pésimas.

    2023 年 12 月入住

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