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  4. 聖荷西飯店評語
  5. 聖荷西北/矽谷萬怡酒店的評語

聖荷西北/矽谷萬怡酒店評語 3 星級

111 Holger Way, 聖荷西, CA 95134, 美國

聖荷西飯店排名: No. 20(共 82 間)



根據 3 則飯店評語



  • 整潔度


  • 舒適程度


  • 住宿地點


  • 設施


  • 員工素質


  • 性價比


100% 真實評語



顯示 1 - 3

  • 填寫日期:2023 年 3 月 4 日

    • 商務行程
    • 夫婦/情侶
    • 特大雙人床房-附沙發床
    • 入住 5 晚
    • 自手機送出

    1. The counter told me there would be a water outage the next day. I could totally understand if it was an unexpected water outage, but it was caused by a planned construction, and Marriott did not tell me beforehand! The notice even said that I should store water by myself. How could a guest who just got off the flight find his own containers to store water? Marriott did not inform me before check-in or give me any compensation. Even a bottle of drinking water did not be prepared for their guests! I spent $225 per night at Marriott but got a room without water for a whole day. 入住當晚櫃檯給我一張隔日將會停水一整天的說明。我可以理解若為預料之外的停水那無可厚非,但那明明就是計畫會停水的工程,為什麼飯店到最後一刻才告知我?說明單上甚至叫我要自備好儲水,請問我一個剛下飛機的房客要去哪裡找到能儲水的容器?飯店既沒有事先通知,也沒有補償,好歹準備瓶裝水讓我度過缺水的日子吧...我花了一個晚上$225的費用卻讓我住一個沒水的房間? 2. The office chair had severe-damaged artificial leather. I could not believe Marriott did not change to a new one but kept the damaged chair in the room. 房內的辦公椅的人工皮嚴重破皮掉屑,飯店人員卻視而不見未進行處理或更換。雖然經反應之後飯店人員有幫我換一個新的辦公椅,但這讓我對Marriott非常失望。 3. Once, I was sleeping in the room in the afternoon, and an abrupt knock on my door woke me. A manager brought an office chair and walked into my room directly without my response. She said she needed to take away my original chair and gave me another one instead. Because she did not explain why she changed my chair, I asked her the reason. She told me that she needed to change the chair since the new one was Marriott's standard office chair. It was totally not urgent at all! It isn't urgent and necessary to bother guests. Why don't you change the chair after I check out? 有一天下午我在房內休息,突然一陣急促地敲門聲吵醒我。我甚至還未回應,房門就被一位自稱manager的女士直接打開。她帶著一張辦公椅逕自走進來並說要把我原本的辦公椅換掉。由於她並未主動解釋緣由,我只好自行詢問她為什麼要這麼做,並解釋我原本的辦公椅狀態良好根本沒有更換的必要。她的理由是這張新辦公椅是Marriott的standard規格,所以必需換掉。但這根本不是一件很緊急到必需立刻處理的事情!為什麼飯店人員不能等到我退房以後再換掉?非要打擾房客休息? 4. I booked 4 nights for a big room and another 5 nights for a small room.

    2023 年 2 月入住

  • 填寫日期:2023 年 3 月 4 日

    • 商務行程
    • 夫婦/情侶
    • 特大雙人床單房公寓-附沙發床
    • 入住 4 晚
    • 自手機送出

    1. The counter told me there would be a water outage the next day. I could totally understand if it was an unexpected water outage, but it was caused by a planned construction, and Marriott did not tell me beforehand! The notice even said that I should store water by myself. How could a guest who just got off the flight find his own containers to store water? Marriott did not inform me before check-in or give me any compensation. Even a bottle of drinking water did not be prepared for their guests! I spent $225 per night at Marriott but got a room without water for a whole day. 入住當晚櫃檯給我一張隔日將會停水一整天的說明。我可以理解若為預料之外的停水那無可厚非,但那明明就是計畫會停水的工程,為什麼飯店到最後一刻才告知我?說明單上甚至叫我要自備好儲水,請問我一個剛下飛機的房客要去哪裡找到能儲水的容器?飯店既沒有事先通知,也沒有補償,好歹準備瓶裝水讓我度過缺水的日子吧...我花了一個晚上$225的費用卻讓我住一個沒水的房間? 2. The office chair had severe-damaged artificial leather. I could not believe Marriott did not change to a new one but kept the damaged chair in the room. 房內的辦公椅的人工皮嚴重破皮掉屑,飯店人員卻視而不見未進行處理或更換。雖然經反應之後飯店人員有幫我換一個新的辦公椅,但這讓我對Marriott非常失望。 3. Once, I was sleeping in the room in the afternoon, and an abrupt knock on my door woke me. A manager brought an office chair and walked into my room directly without my response. She said she needed to take away my original chair and gave me another one instead. Because she did not explain why she changed my chair, I asked her the reason. She told me that she needed to change the chair since the new one was Marriott's standard office chair. It was totally not urgent at all! It isn't urgent and necessary to bother guests. Why don't you change the chair after I check out? 有一天下午我在房內休息,突然一陣急促地敲門聲吵醒我。我甚至還未回應,房門就被一位自稱manager的女士直接打開。她帶著一張辦公椅逕自走進來並說要把我原本的辦公椅換掉。由於她並未主動解釋緣由,我只好自行詢問她為什麼要這麼做,並解釋我原本的辦公椅狀態良好根本沒有更換的必要。她的理由是這張新辦公椅是Marriott的standard規格,所以必需換掉。但這根本不是一件很緊急到必需立刻處理的事情!為什麼飯店人員不能等到我退房以後再換掉?非要打擾房客休息? 4. I booked 4 nights for a big room and another 5 nights for a small room.

    2023 年 2 月入住

  • 填寫日期:2023 年 3 月 4 日

    Never choose this hotel again
    • 商務行程
    • 夫婦/情侶
    • 特大雙人床單房公寓-附沙發床
    • 入住 4 晚
    • 自手機送出

    1. The counter told me there would be a water outage the next day. I could totally understand if it was an unexpected water outage, but it was caused by a planned construction, and Marriott did not tell me beforehand! The notice even said that I should store water by myself. How could a guest who just got off the flight find his own containers to store water? Marriott did not inform me before check-in or give me any compensation. Even a bottle of drinking water did not be prepared for their guests! I spent $225 per night at Marriott but got a room without water for a whole day. 入住當晚櫃檯給我一張隔日將會停水一整天的說明。我可以理解若為預料之外的停水那無可厚非,但那明明就是計畫會停水的工程,為什麼飯店到最後一刻才告知我?說明單上甚至叫我要自備好儲水,請問我一個剛下飛機的房客要去哪裡找到能儲水的容器?飯店既沒有事先通知,也沒有補償,好歹準備瓶裝水讓我度過缺水的日子吧...我花了一個晚上$225的費用卻讓我住一個沒水的房間? 2. The office chair had severe-damaged artificial leather. I could not believe Marriott did not change to a new one but kept the damaged chair in the room. 房內的辦公椅的人工皮嚴重破皮掉屑,飯店人員卻視而不見未進行處理或更換。雖然經反應之後飯店人員有幫我換一個新的辦公椅,但這讓我對Marriott非常失望。 3. Once, I was sleeping in the room in the afternoon, and an abrupt knock on my door woke me. A manager brought an office chair and walked into my room directly without my response. She said she needed to take away my original chair and gave me another one instead. Because she did not explain why she changed my chair, I asked her the reason. She told me that she needed to change the chair since the new one was Marriott's standard office chair. It was totally not urgent at all! It isn't urgent and necessary to bother guests. Why don't you change the chair after I check out? 有一天下午我在房內休息,突然一陣急促地敲門聲吵醒我。我甚至還未回應,房門就被一位自稱manager的女士直接打開。她帶著一張辦公椅逕自走進來並說要把我原本的辦公椅換掉。由於她並未主動解釋緣由,我只好自行詢問她為什麼要這麼做,並解釋我原本的辦公椅狀態良好根本沒有更換的必要。她的理由是這張新辦公椅是Marriott的standard規格,所以必需換掉。但這根本不是一件很緊急到必需立刻處理的事情!為什麼飯店人員不能等到我退房以後再換掉?非要打擾房客休息? 4. I booked 4 nights for a big room and another 5 nights for a small room.

    2023 年 2 月入住

顯示 1 - 3

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